Chief Technical Advisor - Capacity Building for Peru's Transparency System for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Location: Lima, Peru
Posting Period: 14 December 2021 - 22 December 2021
Job Opening Number: 21-United Nations Environment Programme-170884-Consultant
Result of Service: The CBIT project in Peru aims to support the establishment of a national transparency system through the development of key components in line with the Framework Climate Change Law. The project will contribute to building the national transparency system in areas such as adaptation, mitigation, and finance.
Overall Activities - CBIT Peru
Related to the advances on the transparency framework in Peru, there are several ongoing processes for adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance tracking. For mitigation, there are three main instruments related to measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) for accounting of emissions and estimation of emission reductions. For adaptation, the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) scheme for the NDC is guided by the definition of adaptation measures and the elaboration of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). For climate finance tracking, there is an ongoing process to design a monitoring system for public expenditures.
Ultimate Result of the Service:
The project meets its objectives and achieves expected outcomes via project operations.
Regular updates are provided to the National Project Director, UN Environment, and the Project Steering Committee (PSC).
Annual workplans are prepared in consultation with the NPD and project partners.
Technical advice and guidance are provided to the project team on issues related to project activities.
The gender approach is mainstreamed in project activities.
The technical quality and consistency of the overall CBIT activities is ensured.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Manage and coordinate day-to-day activities to ensure project objectives are met.
Take responsibility for oversight of project execution and financial operations.
Prepare annual work plans in consultation with project partners.
Ensure coordination with relevant national institutions and government ministries.
Implement necessary strategies for gender mainstreaming.
Monitor risk management plan and report to UN Environment and the PSC.
Provide technical assistance to climate change governance spaces.
Expected duration: 12 Months
Work Location: Lima, Peru